Channel 12 News Highlights How the Ambriz Family Received the “Right” Diagnosis through Axis for Autism

The road to an autism diagnosis can be long and arduous with many families often waiting more than a year to have their children evaluated, and often times after evaluation, receiving an invalid “diagnosis.” Recently, KPNX-12 in Phoenix shared how one local family tapped Axis for Autism to fast-track their daughter’s evaluation, which resulted in the correct diagnosis needed to receive proper care.

After recognizing early signs of autism in their daughter Cleo, Bryce and Christian Ambriz knew they needed an evaluation immediately to provide her with the best care possible. The family believed they were taking all the right steps, only to find out that their diagnosis “didn’t count” when it came to accessing the necessary care.

Axis for Autism’s clinical director, Morgan Hall Ph.D., explained there are different qualification rules for different resources such as health insurance and government aid. Since most families are left to navigate the process on their own, the margin of error for incomplete, incorrect or invalid diagnoses is significant. She explained that with Axis for Autism, families are never alone—when Bryce and Christian found Axis and the support system they needed, Cleo was finally diagnosed properly and is now receiving the appropriate care.

With groundbreaking technology and a network of psychologists who specialize in autism, Axis for Autism accelerates the evaluation process. As a result, patients receive life-changing answers, intervention and therapies.

Watch the Ambriz family’s story & read the full article here.


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